Dub Web Fest Show #17: Festival Launch & Official Selection Announcement Party

29th Sep 2015 Awards, Events, News, Podcast, Sound

Live from the Liqour Rooms, this a special episode from our Festival Launch & Official Selection Announcement Party. Sebastian Stephenson attempts to speak to the rest of the Dub Web Fest crew. We talk about our process for the going …

Dub Web Fest Show #16: Brian Patton From The Food And Beer Geeks

15th Sep 2015 Podcast, Sound

Sebastian Stephenson speaks to Brian Patton, co-host of The Food and Beer Geeks; A web series that follows two restauranteurs on their research journey for their pop up taco concept. Brian Patton is also the CEO of the Culinary Love …

Dub Web Fest Show #14: Chester Travis From How To Be Gay

18th Aug 2015 Podcast, Sound

Chester Travis is co-creator of award winning web series, How To Be Gay. Sebastian Stephenson speaks to Chester about the origin of the web series, playing with stereotyping in storytelling, is there an issue with not being gay to write a LGBT story and how they managed to get New Zealand arts funding with his partner in crime (and co-creator of How To Be Gay), Paul. Their are plenty of great behind the scene stories here, give it a listen.

How To Be Gay Website

Dub Web Fest Show #13: John Barker From Press Record

04th Aug 2015 music video, Podcast, Sound

John Barker is the co-creator of Press Record.tv. A web series that has live music sessions from emerging Irish bands. John is also a DJ for 98FM in the Totally Irish music show.; playing the latest and greatest in Irish music. Sebastian Stephenson talks to John about Press Record, the Irish music scene at large, radio station’s music selection and what the future holds for the Press Record.tv

Press Record.tv

Totally Irish 98fm Show

Dub Web Fest Show #12: Noel Sutton From GAZE Film Festival 2015

22nd Jul 2015 Podcast, Sound

Sebastian Stepheson speaks to Noel Sutton, Director of the GAZE Film Festival, about the history of the GAZE Film Festival, the web series strand of the festival and how LGBT filmmakers have embraced the web series format. We also talk about the standard of the Irish short at this year festival and how GAZE 2015 is shaping up in light of the Marraige Equality Referendum and the Gender Recognition Bill.

GAZE Film Festival Website

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